STOP Reading Articles About How To Write Better

Karan Dubey
Much Needed Nonsense


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

People have got to stop advising other people on ‘how to write.’

All these famous authors and content creators have got to stop preaching of ‘3 ways how you can make your writing better’ crap.

And as a novice, not unless all you want to do is write about affiliate marketing, or ‘5 tricks that helped me to write 50 articles in a month’ baloney (which is complete bull****, by the way), you’ve got to stop consuming these kinds of content.

I’m not against the idea of having a routine, a habit, a discipline in your life that reflects in your writing.

Just like everything else, writing is a habit that can only be improved by, well, writing regularly.

But, do you really need to incorporate the ‘tips and tricks’ on how to make your writing better and fork out 100 stories in a month?

Why it makes no sense to write 50-100 articles in a month?

Again, unless all you care about is writing articles that can most certainly be churned out by AI-powered robots, it makes no sense to write 100 articles in a month.

A proper poem, story, essay takes time and patience to come about. You don’t just get up and start barfing out words on the sheets.

First of all, the ideas take hold in the brain. Then you pick up a pen and a paper and start scribbling gibberish until you can make sense of the way that particular piece is supposed to be constructed.

Finally, you read it, re-read it, and keep doing that until you are assured that you have created something that is worthy enough to be put in front of people’s eyes.

Not to mention, once finished, your creation invariably takes away a part of you and you feel depleted.

That’s how you know that you have written something worthwhile and meaningful. You feel spent. Satisfied. At peace. Try it.

The Only Rule Of Writing

There’s just one and only one rule of writing. Don’t misspell words. It just looks bad on your part.

And, at the very least, have a decent enough control over the Grammar. You know, having the general ability to construct comprehensible sentences and whatnots (you can bend that rule in certain situations, but that topic is for another day).

If you have all that, congrats! All you need to do now is write. Read books, novels, plays, watch movies, listen to songs, etc. they all help, subconsciously. Oh, and write. That’s how you get better. By writing.

Yes, you will invariably make mistakes, but you don’t need an influencer with 150k followers to tell you what you need to do or change with your style. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to get criticized. And certainly, don’t be afraid to have opinions IF you have the facts and knowledge to back them up.

You need to be authentic. You need to be unique. Don’t fit the narrative. There are already a billion more doing just that. Don’t be just another name in the crowd.

The chances are, you might not ‘make it’ at first. You might look at stories, poems, essays all around you with absolutely zero creativity and authenticity. Yet, they would be bringing in countless engagements, money, and fame.

You would be jealous, angry, and frustrated at the injustice. You might want to quit, join the herd, fit the narrative of the crowd.

Yes, that happens. But, just hold on to those thoughts and meditate on these questions:

  • What was the real reason you fell in love with writing in the first place?
  • Was it to please the crowd?
  • Was it to earn a few quids, even if it meant that you would have to sell your soul in the process?
  • Or was it to transform those wild-running thoughts and overwhelming emotions into words?
  • To silence all the voices in the head, a cathartic process that churns out masterpieces as the by-product?

‘Why did you start writing in the first place?’ Meditate on that. And the answer will be right in front of you!



Karan Dubey
Much Needed Nonsense

I write because I have to. It helps to silence them voices in my head. Poetry and Satire are my primary outlets.